What is NuWealth’s Easy Access Savings Account?
As of 17th January 2025, we are no longer accepting new applications for our GB Bank Easy Access account.
When you open a NuWealth GB Bank Easy Access Savings Account you’ll earn 4.40%, AER (variable) from our trusted partner GB bank, plus a 0.46% rewarded boost from NuWealth for 12 months on balances of up to £25,000, raising your interest rate to an equivalent of 4.86% AER (variable.)
Any savings above £25,000 will still earn the underlying 4.40% AER (variable) bank rate, but will not qualify for the rewarded boost of 0.46%
You can open an Easy Access Savings Account in minutes via the NuWealth app, with a minimum balance of £500. Thereafter, you can deposit anytime from £50 up to a maximum of £85,000.
*Please note that the rewarded boost is payable for 12 months and ceases to be payable on the anniversary of the date of account creation. After 12 months, you will receive the underlying interest rate. 4.40% AER (variable) accurate as of December 2024.