What actions do I need to take for the Instant GIA closure?

You only need to take action if you have an Instant GIA account. You do not need to do anything with your Standard and Savings Accounts.

If you hold current investments in an Instant GIA Account:

Sell them and withdraw your total balance within Instant GIA by the sell all and withdrawal deadline, which is 5th August 2024.

If you don’t hold any investments in an Instant GIA account:

Withdraw the total balance in your Instant GIA account by the sell all and withdrawal date (5th August 2024).

If you don’t hold any investments, or have any money on your Instant Account:

You don’t need to do anything; we will close your account for you. 

If you are in any doubt about the action you should take, we recommend that you speak to an independent financial adviser. You can find a full list of authorised financial advisers in your area at https://www.unbiased.co.uk/. Alternatively, if you have any questions, you can email us anytime at support@nuwealthapp.com

Still have questions?

Contact support@nuwealthapp.com and our dedicated Customer Support team will be more than happy to help.